with our latest designs, special offers and inspirational ideas.
If you want to receive regular eye candy, subscribe to our blog!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Sweets for the sweethearts!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Annemie's Surprise Birthday Party
"1001 Reasons to Love Christmas" - Woolworths Campaign

Monday, December 1, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Elsje Designs at FAB Expo 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Something Different!

Monday, November 24, 2008
E-mail Save-the-Dates

First impressions do matter: Give your guests something to talk about by e-mailing save-the-date notices that pop off the screen! This doesn't mean your e-mail can't be simple and sophisticated, but they should have an added touch of something uniquely you, something seasonal, or something off-the-cuff that makes the e-mail so remarkable and memorable that your guests cannot possibly forget to save that date.
An e-mail Save the Date for your wedding is a brilliant way of communication especially for guests who may need to make long-distance travel plans. Keep in mind that you should only send them to people you are sure will be on the final invitation list. We have an awesome range of digital Save the Dates to choose from – an inexpensive way to get the word out and for your guests to start saving for your big day!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Idees/Ideas Magazine Shoot
Vanessa and Jonathan: Wedding by Marius

We made this opulent and super stylish wedding invitation this morning for Weddings by Marius, the most innovative wedding planner in the Garden Route!
This personalized invitation is printed onto stone grey metallic paper and wrapped in an ornate semitransparent silver paper, tied with a warm grey silky ribbon.
Marius wrote the following about this unique and stunning wedding:
Venessa and Jonathan will be getting married on Bollard Bay followed by Dinner at Lush. Lush is lavish and extravagantly opulent with richly embellished interiors celebrated in ruby hues, velvet textures and dramatic objects d’arts. Mirrors, mosaics, crystal chandeliers, giant candelabra, leather studded walls, suede and vinyl finishes and fibre-optic lights create a seductive background for the exciting menu. The menu is designed to create an exquisite dining experience. Food is thoughtfully presented - an immersive theatrical experience!
Vanessa and Jonathan love texture and contrast and would like the stationery, décor and floral design for their wedding to portray some of these elements. For the décor and flowers they would like to incorporate elements from the Knysna area like driftwood and indigenous flowers. We will follow a very intuitive approach with the floral design to make it really special and unique.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Annemie's Wedding Update

The invites are out and all the guests are raving! All conventions flew out the window when we were designing these cards, as we were combining many different textures and papers, and some unexpected bursts of colour, for a truly personal look and feel. The most favourite little extra among guests is definitely the childhood love letters that the couple has included.
Georgia & Clinton - Invitation in progress
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Vintage Monogrammes
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Ideas Magazine - Profile with Elsje
Monday, November 3, 2008
FAB Bridal Expo - CTICC

Friday, October 31, 2008
Meet Lynette, our new Graphic Designer
Boxes and Container Catalogue

Click on image to enlarge.
Have a look at our latest Boxes and Container catalogue. Turn your wedding into something extra special with these unique boxes and containers to either fill with confetti or small gifts. E-mail Annemie at info@elsje.co.za for more information or to receive the full catalogue.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Must see blog!

Go see for yourselves this stunning blog, The Bride's Cafe with totally new ideas and real life weddings! We love it!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
New Table Seating Idea
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
PASELLA - Trou so...

Die man in beheer van die blomme, is Alwyn Burger van OKASIE Events. Hy meen ʼn tafel soos dié een vra vir blomme wat byna ongesiens aanvul en nie oorneem nie. Hy gebruik ligblou lampskerms en pak dit vol met varkore. ʼn Orgidee in die middel gee kleur en aksent.
Sarah Malgas van Elsje Designs wat allerlei pragtige papier- en ander detail vir troues en funksies maak. Sy het ʼn perspex kandelaar persoonlikheid gegee deur die name van gaste uit perspex te sny en daaraan op te hang met ʼn boksie onderaan as geskenk. In die boksie is ʼn perspexring vir die dames en ʼn tradisionele silwer amandel vir mans.

Die idee met hierdie een is dat jy ʼn onkonvensionele, baie informele en aardse troue hou. Ons het by Lucky Store restaurant in Stellenbosch ingeval omdat jy hier voel asof jy in ouma se kombuis kuier. Aleit het ʼn vrolike, amper lawwe tafel gedek wat ons land se gesellige atmosfeer en reënboog-gevoel naboots. Verskillende kleure en teksture is gebruik vir dié een.
Vir die blomme het Alwyn ʼn houtplank met etniese materiaal oorgetrek en rooi lint daarop vasgekram. In die lint word kleurvolle blomme gedruk en dit word teen ʼn muur opgesit om plek op die tafel te bespaar.

Die derde styl het ʼn outydse, klassieke gevoel en word gehou by Hawksmoor Huis. Dis ʼn lieflike Kaaps-Hollandse gastehuis op die plaas Matjieskuil naby Stellenbosch. Maar, die plan is eintlik dat jy dit net sowel in jou eie huis of jou ma s’n kan hou. By hierdie een word al die stoppe uitgeruk vir ʼn oordadige stylvolheid.
Die tafel kreun onder kristalglase, antieke eetgerei, borde en kraffies. Met hierdie soort tafel hoef alles nie noodwendig pasmaats te wees nie. Outydse vonkelwynglase bring bietjie nostalgie en lang kerse in kandelare gee hoogte en trek die oog na die pragtige glaskandelare bokant die tafel.
Wade van der Merwe van Cakes by Wade was die man wat ʼn klassieke dog romantiese koek moes konsepsualiseer en maak. Die koek is wit met swart patrone op. Hy draai ʼn lint om om dit ʼn regte antieke gevoel te gee en rond dit af met eetbare blinkers.
The Aleit Group
Charly’s Bakery
Friday, October 17, 2008
Latest Gift Catalogue

Have a look at our favourite favours! Your guests will love these fun and different gifts, something to remind them of your special day. Go to our gift website for more ideas! Or e-mail Annemie, admin@elsje.co.za to receive this catalogue via e-mail.
BREAKING NEWS: Our New Rental Range!!!

Please click on the images to enlarge the pictures.
We just launced our new rental range! So please contact the studio or e-mail info@elsje.co.za for more information! Turn your wedding into something spectacular with these unique and special items!