Pushing the envelope with trendsetting ideas

Pushing the envelope with trendsetting ideas
Elsje Designs creates fun & functional gifts, stationery and table decor with a true South African touch


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Friday, February 10, 2012

A Treat To One's Heart

These heart-felt containers are filled with delicious candy treats for a special occasion. Elsje's dad is turning 80 and the whole family is getting ready to celebrate it Karoo syle this weekend while nibbling away and creating unforgettable memories.

If you love these small brown lunch boxes and would like to order some, please request a price from us at admin@elsje.co.za or 021 976 7111

Pretty Paper Ring

Pinned Image

How gorgeous is this ring via Pinterest.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Summer Sale: white paper parasols

Limited offer, while stocks last!  Keep your guests cool with these popular paper parasols (price exclude vat).

The Chinese are thought to have created the first waterproof umbrella when they lacquered paper parasols or paper umbrellas, so it would protect them from rain as well as sunlight. The first collapsible umbrella is another innovation of the paper parasol attributed to the Chinese. Eventually, paper parasols came to be associated with nobility and other high ranking officials. According to legend, at one time, 24 paper umbrellas were carried before the Emperor to protect him from the sun while hunting.

Today, paper parasols or paper umbrellas are both a fashion statement and an item of practicality.

Minimum order: 10 (only while stocks last)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Travel Inspired Save the Date

These save the dates are cute, quirky, and completely delightful. Leslie from Lilly & Louise (http://www.lillyandlouise.com) worked with bride and groom Miranda and Matt to create a unique and interactive save the date. They paired a vintage map of California, where the wedding will take place, with baker’s twine and a bold striped envelope liner for a whimsical travel-inspired design.

From Leslie: Miranda and Matt wanted to excite guests with a unique and unexpected save the date… something tactile and textural that would leave an impression. Both Miranda and Matt are from the East coast and their wedding will be in California, so it will be a destination wedding for many of their family and friends and they wanted to incorporate the idea of travel into the design. With a palette of peach, navy, gray and cream, we mixed organic elements of a vintage map of Southern California and geometric elements of bold, thick stripes.

Because good mail is even better with an interactive element, we chose to include the actual save the date information inside a mini envelope. Upon opening the envelope, guests find a classic quote from When Harry Met Sally, then unfold more details. The entire save the date is bound by navy and white twine and two small tags.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You've got mail...

It seems that the vintage and travel inspired trend is here to stay.  I'm forever sourcing new ideas to inspire readers to get creative.  I discovered these last night on http://www.rockmywedding.co.uk/youve-got-love-mail-baby/ - worth a visit!

Love Mail

This to me is vintage inspired at its most delicious and I could think of nothing better than Mr Posty delivering one of these….

Friday, February 3, 2012

More wedding pics from our Karoo wedding

My friend Annatjie Kirsten took these pics.  I really think for a non-professional, she has done so well!  I proudly share a few more pics from our karoo wedding: 

Pimms served after the ceremony in Mrs Balls chutney bottles.

2 cool dudes...  Francois Potgieter and Noel Burger.

So happy and so in love...

I loved my dress! 

My beautiful mom and me.

"The last rays of 2011" - tied to the paper parasol.

The view towards Gamkaspoort Dam.

My mom had this fab wedding cake made - so beautiful! 

A special moment between my god mother and me, Aunt Elsa.

The very talented and musical in-laws!

The bubbly.

The "other man" in my life, little Hubertus.  My brother's little boy.

The seats covered with whispy padding and tied with white Petersham.

My dad looking oh so happy and radiant. 

The official photographer, Andre from Vivid Blue. 
It was fab to have him and Fralene at our special day, they are such special people.

 After the ceremony.

My camera shy friend, Annelie Smuts.  Caught in the act!!

My aunt having a joyous moment - one of my favourite pics!

George Malek congratulating his best friend.

Annatjie Kirsten, me and Annelie.
Annatjie surprised me with these gorgeous photographs, thanks again!

Hierdie was die mees intieme seremonie wat ek ooit bygewoon het, en kan net ‘n geestelike verdieping tot gevolg he. Dit was geweldig opbouend, en ek dink omdat daar so min gaste was (ons was seker so rondom die 40) het dit baie bygedra.

My sussie, Carisa, het die volgende mooi brief aan haar dogters geskryf, wat ongelukkig nie by die troue kon wees nie, om die dag te beskryf.

Met ons aankoms Saterdagoggend (nadat ons die tweespoor paadjie met ‘n afgrond aan die een kant moes aandurf – my swak hart!) is ons met ‘n viertrek wildbesigtiging voertuig na die piekniekplek geneem vir lekker gesels, piekniek, manne het krieket gespeel, ekt lekker saam met my ouers gehuil toe ons daar afklim (ag wat, met die vertrek het ek sommer vir almal gese ek huil maklik, toe het ek nie meer omgegee nie). Daarna is ons 2 na die dam toe waar ons oornag het.

Ekt geen foto’s van die onthaal daarna nie: net tydens die opelug seremonie. Dit was baie aandoenlik. Ons ouers het die laaste paar tree met Els tussen hulle, die bultjie opgestap. Aan die einde van die seremonie kon almal wat wou die egpaar seen – ekt nooit besef EK kan ook iemand seen nie! Die Van Niekerks is baie talentvol: die een seun, Lood, het tjello gespeel, 1 die viool, en 3 vd kleindogters en Louis se skoonsus het in 4 stemme vir hul: God seen jul waar jul ook mag gaan: so so mooi, alles met die blou berge in die agtergrond. Na die seremonie het ons  Pimms gekry voordat ons na die lodge vertrek het. Daar, hoef ek nie te vertel nie, was aandag aan detail en net die mooiste van alles reeds reggesit. By die ingang was die gastelys wat oor elkeen teenwoordig iets te se gehad het: my het gese ek hou van eie groente en kruie kweek; hou van kook en lees interessante boeke; my dogters beskryf my as ‘n overachiever met ‘n graad op 50. Ons het eers in die lapa bymekaargekom waar neef Schalk my ouers beklink het met mooi woorde en ‘n glasie; toe Louis se oudste broer op sy ouers, en daarna Louis wat iets vir elke gas spesiaals gesê het.

Die tafels was verstommend mooi – hou dan nou anders? Alles meesal in wit. Oral hang iets feestelik, horlosies, vlaggies met kinderfoto’s van elke gas, foto’s uit die verlede van ons gesinne, baie baie glass domes/bell jars met interessanthede daarin (heelwat windpompies uit laser gesny van dik papier, hier en daar ‘n koedoe, karoobossie, voeltjie, en oral origami blomme gevou uit ou FAK liedjies. Let wel, daar was geen vars blomme by hierdie troue nie.  Elk sy eie wit lapservet met woorde van “my hartjie my liefie” aan jou stoel vasgeknip, en ook jou eie plekmatjie met ‘n popup toneel - myne was van ‘n boom met koutjie wat daaraan hang. Die kos was uit die boeke! Mama Madeleine se troukoek was ‘n plaasdam, met twee skapies by, ‘n doringboompie, en ‘n windpomp in die agtergrond.

Sondagogg het almal wat wou die son gaan groet met ‘n boodskap uit die Bybel. George, ‘n ongelooflike interessante man, het daarna weer in die lapa ‘n boodskap vir Els en Louis gebring vir die huwelik. Dit is so ongelooflik dat ek dit gaan oortik en aan die gaste stuur, want almal wou daarna dit weer hoor. Hierdie vriend van Louis kom van Alexandrie in Egipte, het twee doktorsgrade in teologie, en ene in sielkunde. Van daai mense by wie se voete jy wil sit en net luister. ‘n diep mens – ons wil later die drade met hom optel.

Ek kan nie uitgepraat raak ook die belewenis wat dit vir my en vir W was nie. Hy was baie emosioneel die naweek, en ek dink dit was goed vir ons. My hoofgedagtes na die naweek: ons land is pragmooi en baie dele is nog heeltemal ongerep; hierdie egpaar is soveel maal geseen, en soveel positiewe dinge het rondom hulle gebeur die naweek; ons dien ‘n ongelooflike Here by wie niks onmoontlik is nie. Ek glo onwrikbaar in die huwelik, en glo uit my hart dat hulle 2 dit sal kan maak werk.

Carisa Smuts